
LIVE Parliament convenes a session

Parliament convened in the first plenary session of the spring session. Ten draft laws and decisions were included on the agenda, including the draft decision on extending the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova for a period of 60 days. Find out the decisions of the deputies, live on Moldova 1!

Sursa: parlament.md

Deputies will examine, in the first reading, the bill that regulates crowdfunding services, as well as the legislative initiative that provides for changing the conditions for establishing and granting social aid and aid for the cold period of the year.

Another topic included on the agenda concerns the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Convention on the Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL). Also on the agenda are legislative initiatives regarding the disciplinary liability of judges and the activity of the Judicial Inspection, as well as the improvement of the mechanism for recovering expenses for state legal assistance.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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