
Visits of foreign officials to the Republic of Moldova show that our country is not isolated internationally anymore, Member of Parliament Ana Racu

The recent visits of foreign officials to the Republic of Moldova prove that our country shows a pronounced readiness for cooperation and is not isolated internationally anymore. The statement was made by Ana Racu, the deputy-chairperson of the National Security, Defense and Public Order Parliamentary Commission, in the "Good Morning" show on Moldova 1 TV. Every time, the visits end in announcements about support programs for our country, said the Member of Parliament.

"As a rule, these visits, to speak in absolutely pragmatic terms, were not of courtesy or diplomacy. They were proof of the fact that our country is open to cooperation, our country is appreciated for certain achievements, the beginning of certain attempts through which we want to reach the great European family".

The Republic of Moldova received, every time, following the visits of many foreign officials, significant support for boosting the modernization of the country, stimulating sustainable economic growth, improving living conditions or adapting to climate change, said the MP.

Recently, the Republic of Moldova was visited by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, but also the Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Luc Frieden.

Recently, our country hosted the fifth edition of the Moldova Partnership Platform, initiated by Romania, Germany and France. The event brought together over 65 delegates - ministers, vice-ministers, state secretaries of foreign ministries from partner states, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations. During the meeting, nine financing agreements were signed that will support infrastructure investments and the transition to a green and sustainable economy for the benefit of citizens.

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