
Janis Mazeiks about the October referendum: We are ready for the integration processes

An unlikely negative vote in the October 20 referendum would create an unclear situation. "We are ready for the integration processes, but we are not ready for unclear situations ", said the EU ambassador in Chisinau, Janis Mazeiks, in an exclusive interview in Romanian to Moldova 1 TV. A possible positive vote in the referendum will not lead to significant changes. "The Republic of Moldova is already a candidate country," said the diplomat.

The Republic of Moldova has implemented very important reforms in justice, the fight against corruption, the energy sector and many other areas. "However, you are only at the beginning of the process", emphasized the ambassador.

It is necessary to continue the reforms, but without boosting them. What matters is the quality and not the speed of the reforms. "The word boosting is not good in this context. Boosting means speed. For us, it is important that the reforms are well implemented, and that takes time," said the diplomat.

The Republic of Moldova faces several political and technical challenges, but also in the fields of justice and the fight against corruption, Mazeiks said.

"It is not possible to eradicate corruption in other areas when we have corruption in the judicial sector."

The diplomat emphasized that after more than 30 years of uncertainty, the Republic of Moldova has now made its choice and is moving in a good direction and that it is important to do it together with the European Union.

We remind you that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova are expected in the autumn, on October 20, at the polls to choose their future president of the country. On the same day, the referendum on our country's accession to the European Union will be organized. Citizens will answer the following question: "Do you support amending the Constitution with a view to the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU?". Two answer options will be given: "Yes" and "No".

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