Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov: Șor delivers news about gas, not natural gas
In recent years, the fugitive oligarch Ilan Sor has released only "gas news" and election promises, not natural gas, as he has been promising for more than two years. The statement was made by the Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov, after, on the eve, Șor, who is hiding from justice in the Russian Federation, promised free natural gas "in every house" if the candidate he supports wins the elections.

"Shor is moving on. First, he did not offer gas for 12 lei, then for 10 lei, now we will see if he gives it for free. Again, we must distinguish two things: the activity of providing gas from the activity of providing gas news. Here is Şor, for two years, he has been providing gas news. If someone imagines that somewhere gas is springing up at Şor to give people free, I think it is a fake expectation".
The minister emphasized that the authorities are working hard to provide citizens with natural gas at affordable prices. According to him, Shor's public appearances, especially those related to gas, always coincide with election periods, suggesting that these are nothing more than false promises, made for political purposes. "The fact that Şor initiates gas news, you can see, he always does it before the election campaign. The election campaign will pass, the news about gas, and Șor, and for free, will also calm down.
We remind you that this is not the first time that Şor promises gas at a special price for citizens. For example, in the electoral campaign for the local elections of 2023, Șor and the bashcan of Gagauzia Evghenia Guțul, who is part of his team, promised natural gas at a price of 10 lei for the citizens of UTA Gagauzia. Although a year has passed since then, the citizens of this region still did not benefit from natural gas at a "special price". All this time, the country's leadership declared that "cheap gas" is a "fake" in electoral interests, accusing Şor and his team of manipulation. The fugitive oligarch and the head of Gagauzia denied the accusations.