
Parliament convenes a session: Extending the state of emergency, on the agenda

The Parliament will examine the Government's proposal regarding the extension of the state of emergency in today's session, according to the Legislative's press release.

Sursa: parlament.md

The executive proposes to extend the state of emergency by 60 days in the context of national security risks and ensuring the country with energy resources. This will allow the authorities to intervene promptly in taking additional decisions to those provided by the existing legal framework. The agenda also includes the draft of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Moldova and the modification of the related normative framework, as well as the legislative initiatives aimed at the work of the People's Advocate. Parliament will also examine the draft law on fluorinated greenhouse gases, amendments to the Law on allowances for temporary incapacity for work and other social security benefits and the Law on some measures related to the selection of candidates for the position of member in the self-administration bodies of judges and the prosecutors.

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