Moldova discards tons of produce due to EU pesticide rules
The reduction of permitted pesticide levels across Europe has significantly increased the amount of fruits and vegetables destroyed in the Republic of Moldova due to exceeding permissible chemical levels.

In the first nine months of this year, 334 tons of fruits and vegetables were destroyed, almost double the amount from the previous year. Despite checks and prompt measures taken by the Food Safety Agency (ANSA) inspectors, approximately 5% of non-compliant products still reached consumers.
Eighteen tons of non-compliant bananas and Chinese cabbage reached consumers this year, despite measures taken by food safety inspectors, stated Marina Dintiu, head of the Directorate for Safety and Quality of Food Products of Non-Animal Origin, in an interview with Radio Moldova.
"The biggest problem was with imported products, as economic agents did not wait for the test report and proceeded to market them despite their declaration of responsibility," Dintiu explained. "These agents were sanctioned, and the maximum possible withdrawals were carried out, but in some situations, the products had already been marketed. Some products exceeded the permissible level for pesticides by twofold. Of those marketed, only bananas and Chinese cabbage were affected."
To ensure the quality of fruits and vegetables imported into the Republic of Moldova, ANSA inspectors have intensified controls at border crossings and commercial units within the country. Importers who brought food products containing excessive pesticide levels into Moldova are subject to stricter scrutiny.
Specialists from the National Agency for Food Safety warn about the risks of consuming fruits and vegetables containing pesticides above the permitted level, ranging from serious poisoning to infertility.
Citizens should purchase fruits and vegetables only from authorised locations and request sanitary certificates from sellers that confirm product safety, advises nutritionist Luminița Suveică.
"If the quantity of pesticides in fruits and vegetables exceeds the permissible level, they are dangerous because they affect the digestive tract and negatively impact metabolism," Suveică cautioned. "Large quantities can also lead to serious poisoning. People should thoroughly wash these products and peel certain fruits and vegetables before consumption. If we have reached the point where strawberries grow as large as apples, we can no longer claim they are natural."
According to a document provided by ANSA to Radio Moldova, laboratory investigations revealed that 334 tons of fruits and vegetables were destroyed in the first nine months of this year, compared to 135 tons destroyed last year.
Translation by Iurie Tataru