Energocom boosts electricity supply from MGRES and Romania
Energocom will purchase over 50 percent of the electricity needed in November from the Moldovan Thermal Power Plant in the Transnistrian region (MGRES).
Additionally, part of the required supply will be sourced from the OPCOM energy exchange in Romania and from the Nuclear Power Plant at Cernavodă.
According to an Energocom statement, around 95,000 MWh (or 25%) of the electricity will be generated by thermal power plants in Chișinău and Bălți. Forecasts indicate that green energy parks and installations are expected to produce 16,412 MWh, accounting for slightly over 4% of the total demand.
Moreover, Energocom will purchase a quantity from Romania's Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant that is double the amount procured in October. In total, 14,400 MWh, or approximately 4% of the overall requirement, will be obtained from Nuclearelectrica, the company managing the facility.
Approximately 14% of the electricity will be acquired from the Romanian OPCOM exchange, primarily to cover high-demand peak hours.
Translation by Iurie Tataru