Victor Furtuna wins the competition for the position of chief prosecutor of PCCOCS
Victor Furtuna won the competition for the position of chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS). He obtained the highest score, and the decision was made today by members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP).
Following this decision, the appointment of Victor Furtuna as chief prosecutor of PCCOCS will be proposed for approval to the General Prosecutor. Additionally, information regarding the candidate will be submitted to the Vetting Commission to start the process for verifying his ethical and financial integrity.
"Mr. Prosecutor, congratulations on this achievement. Both the prosecution system and the CSP, as well as the citizens, are expecting immediate and consolidated changes. We are looking for a new direction in the prosecutor's office that you will lead," said Dumitru Obada during today's CSP meeting.
Victor Furtuna expressed his gratitude to the CSP for their trust and assured that "everything outlined in the management concept will be translated into reality."
According to data presented by the CSP, after the contest, Victor Furtuna scored 75.56 points, while Mațco Andrei received 57.19 points and Neguriță Ion scored 70.42 points.
It is important to note that the position of head of PCCOCS was opened for competition in November 2022. However, the competition was cancelled after two candidates withdrew, making it impossible for the Commission to proceed.