Show "Chirița in Concert" will premiere at the "Mihai Eminescu" National Theater
The audience from Chisinau is invited to an exceptional musical performance, directed by the renowned composer and director from Bucharest, Ada Milea. The premiere of the play "Chirița in Concert", an exceptional theatrical event, realized with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute, will take place on December 14 and 15 on the stage of the "Mihai Eminescu" National Theater.
The musical show is an experience for actors, especially for the protagonist of the famous Chirița.
*"It's a mafia clan, a mother-head, the son who fulfills her plans. It's a Chirița who worries about her beloved boy and her daughters. Alecsandri wrote a lot of dirty things about her, but it's not true", reported Angela Ciobanu, actress.
*"It's an amalgam of emotions, there's a pseudo-finale there, a happy ending, I would say, even forced, because the ending is sad for this whole story", emphasized Anatol Durbală, actor.
The experience of bringing this form of performance to the limelight was fun, and difficult, but also useful, say the actors.
"It's another Ada Milea production, the texts and music written by her after Vasile Alecsandri and Matei Millo. It's a musical show. It's performed live for an hour and 40 minutes. The whole Barzoi family sings," said Petru Oistric, actor.
"For three years I've been trying to convince Ada Milea to come and do something with the National Theatre team. I'm happy with the interest and the audience who show curiosity and run for tickets. We don't have any more seats for the premiere," said Petru Hadârcă, director of the "Mihai Eminescu" National Theatre. For Ada Milea, the emblematic character Chirița is a real planet.
*"A planet that wanders around and picks up whatever it encounters in the place where it starts singing. I don't consider what we do to be singing, although it seems that way. I consider it a language, practically every conversation is a form of jazz, so everyone on this planet seems to be singing", said Ada Milea, director.
Vasile Alecsandri is also present in the show on a pedestal, from where he follows Chirița's adventures, her journey not only from Iași to Chișinău, but also from the 19th century to the 21st century.