EU Council agrees to start negotiations with European Parliament on growth plan for the Republic of Moldova
The Council of the European Union has established its negotiating position on the Reform and Growth Facility for Moldova. The Council Presidency will now initiate discussions with the European Parliament regarding this facility, as announced by the European Commission.

The Council’s negotiation stance is closely aligned with the Commission’s proposal to create the facility, which is modelled after the Western Balkans Reform and Growth Facility.
Additionally, the Council's mandate emphasizes the importance of supporting Moldova in coping with the effects of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and its attempts to destabilize Moldova.
Further adjustments to the Commission's proposal are designed to strengthen the Council's role in managing the facility. The Council will have a more significant role in approving and modifying the reform agenda, monitoring compliance with the conditions for EU support, and evaluating adherence to disbursement criteria.
The proposed facility serves as the financial foundation of the Growth Plan for Moldova, which the Commission presented in October. It aims to assist Moldova in implementing reforms along its path to EU membership and to enhance its economic convergence with the EU, based on an ambitious reform agenda. The facility will encourage Moldova to better align its policies, laws, standards, and practices with those of the EU, facilitating further steps toward EU accession.
The facility will operate during the period from 2025 to 2027, with the EU expected to provide Moldova with up to €285 million in grants and €1.5 billion in concessional loans.