
.Public Opinion Barometer: Maia Sandu is most trusted politician

Three parties would reach the Parliament, if elections were held on Sunday. However, the number of undecided people is high, according to the data of the Public Opinion Barometer. Moldovans continue to support the European vector and trust the President Maia Sandu.

If parliamentary elections were held on Sunday, the Action and Solidarity Party would get 24.6 percent of the vote, followed by the socialists with 16.6% and the Şor party with 10.1%. The Communists are positioned below the electoral threshold by almost 4%. However, almost 40 percent of respondents have not decided whether they will go to the elections or with which party they will vote. More than a third of Moldovans trust the country's president. To the open question with no answer options, 20% declared that they support the president Maia Sandu; 9.4% - Igor Dodon. The sympathizers of the fugitive deputy Ilan Şor constitute 6.3 percent of the respondents. The mayor of Chisinau, Ion Ceban is trusted by 2.8 percent, and Vladimir Voronin –by 2.1 percent. In possible referendums on the geopolitical vector of the country, the absolute majority would vote for joining the European Union. For union, 35 percent would vote, and for joining the North Atlantic Alliance - 22.4 percent. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is trusted by 35 percent of Moldovans. On the other hand, he has an anti-rating of 57.6%. At the same time, the leader of the Moscow regime has fewer supporters, but the difference is very small. Vladimir Putin's anti-rating is about 60 percent. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has an image capital of about 31 percent and an anti-rating that exceeds 60 percent. The Public Opinion Barometer is a poll conducted by CBS-Research together with the Public Policy Institute, on a representative sample of 1132 people. The margin of error is three percent.

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