
Maia Sandu: Russia intends to remove power from Chisinau through violent actions, with the involvement of people from outside the country

Russia's plan for the next period involves actions with the involvement of diversionists, who will undertake attacks on state buildings and hostage taking, the ultimate goal of these actions being the removal of the current pro-European power from Chisinau, President Maia Sandu said on Monday during a briefing.

The head of state noted that Russia's plans to destabilize and to undermine the state existed since last fall, but they did not achieve their goals. If in autumn the focus was on the energy crisis, at this stage violent actions, disguised as protests, are assumed for the change of power in Chisinau, said Maia Sandu.

"In recent days, several discussions about the security of our country have appeared in the public space. President Zelenski's statements about the Russian Federation's plans to destabilize the Republic of Moldova were confirmed by our institutions. Russia's plan to undertake subversive actions on the territory of our state is not a new one. Attempts to destabilize the situation and undermine the state also existed last fall, but they did not achieve their goal thanks to the prompt interventions of our security and public order institutions.

Between last October and December, the Police and the SIS intervened in several cases of organized criminal elements and stopped the attempts of violence", said Maia Sandu. According to the country's president, the plan involves the use of people from outside the country, such as citizens of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Serbia and Montenegro. "The documents received from our Ukrainian partners demonstrate a good documentation of the locations and logistical aspects for the organization of these subversive activities.

Also, the plan involves the use of people from outside the country for violent actions ", declared the head of state. At the same time, the Russian forces count inside the country on the Şor formation and its derivatives, veterans and known people with connections to Plahotniuc for the change of power.

The purpose of these actions is to change the constitutional order and to replace the current pro-European power with one that would serve the interests of the Russian Federation in the war waged by it in Ukraine. In this context, Maia Sandu asked the state institutions to show vigilance, and the Parliament - to adopt the necessary instruments that will give the SIS and the Prosecutor's Office the opportunity to combat the risks to the country's security.

"To prevent this scenario, I ask all state institutions to show maximum vigilance. The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova must adopt as soon as possible the draft laws that will provide the SIS and the Prosecutor's Office with the necessary tools to combat more effectively the risks to the country's security. All those who participate in these actions directed against the state of the Republic of Moldova, external elements, members of political parties and criminal groups and all those who protect them must be held accountable," said Maia Sandu.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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