
Civil Aviation Authority provides details regarding the temporary closure of the airspace of the Republic of Moldova

The Civil Aviation Authority (AAC) of the Republic of Moldova has provided some details regarding the actions taken in connection with the temporary closure of the airspace of the Republic of Moldova. According to a press release from the AAC, the national authorities acted strictly in accordance with the provisions of the specific procedures applicable to similar situations.

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The source notes that around 12:30 p.m., the Ministry of Defense received information that a small unidentified object similar to a weather balloon was detected in the airspace of the Republic of Moldova in Soroca. Due to weather conditions, the impossibility of monitoring and identifying the object, as well as its flight path, within the Interdepartmental Commission for Airspace Management, at 13:24, the decision was made to temporarily close the airspace. The purpose of this decision was to ensure the safety and security of citizens, AAC also mentions. "Following the verification of information and ensuring the absence of any danger to the safety of citizens, at the proposal of the Ministry of Defense, at 14:46 the airspace was reopened. The national authorities acted strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Specific Procedures applicable for similar situations", claims AAC. Flight operations are currently being conducted under safe and secure conditions.

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