
The prime minister-designate, Dorin Recean, has made his government team public

Prime Minister-designate Dorin Recean announced his government team on his Facebook page. Some ministers from the Gavrilița Government are returning to their positions, but there are also new names.

The future Government of the Republic of Moldova would be made up of 15 ministries. Thus, the ministries of Energy and Economic Development and Digitalization would be included in the composition of the new Executive.

In the composition of the government team, which is going to request a vote of confidence from the Parliament, there are several names from the government led by Natalia Gavrilița. It is about Nicu Popescu, who keeps his seat as deputy prime minister, but also as foreign minister; Vladimir Bolea, who keeps his seat as Minister of Agriculture and who becomes, in the new government team, Prime Minister, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian. The position of deputy prime minister also includes former deputy Dumitru Alaiba, Minister of Economy in the Gavrilița Government, who will lead the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization .

The Minister of Health, Ala Nemerenco, the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, the Minister of the Interior, Ana Revenco, the Minister of Education, Anatolie Topală, the Minister of Culture, Sergiu Prodan, the Minister of Labor, Alexei Buzu, as well as the Minister of the Environment, Iordanca – Rodica Iordanov keep their portfolios in the new executive.

At the same time, the future Government of the Republic of Moldova could include Veronica Sirețeanu, proposed for the position of Minister of Finance, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, proposed for the position of Minister of Justice, as well as Lilia Dabija, proposed for the position of Minister of Regional Development. The newly created Ministry of Energy would be led by energy expert Victor Parlicov.

"Together with this team I will go to Parliament tomorrow to present the government program and ask for a vote of support," the official wrote.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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