
Russia says that Ukraine is preparing military provocations in the Transnistrian region. Chisinau rejects the information and urges the population to calm down

The Russian Ministry of Defense states that Ukraine is preparing an armed provocation in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. On the other hand, Chisinau does not confirm the information, urging citizens to remain calm and follow official and credible sources of the country.

This morning, the Russian Ministry of Defense wrote on its Telegram channel that the above-mentioned actions will be carried out by units of the armed forces of Ukraine, including the involvement of the "Azov" battalion. As a pretext for the invasion, Moscow also says, the organization of an alleged offensive by Russian troops from the territory to the left of the Nistru is planned. In this context, the institution claims that it is closely monitoring the situation and is ready to respond to any changes. "To do this, Ukrainian saboteurs participating in the staged invasion will be dressed in the uniform of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a note. On the other hand, Chisinau denies these claims and declares that our institutions cooperate with foreign partners and in case of any danger to the country they will inform the public without delay. "Statute authorities do not confirm the information disseminated this morning by the Russian Ministry of Defense. We appeal for calm and invite the public to follow the official and credible sources of the Republic of Moldova", said Daniel Vodă, the spokesperson of the prime minister of the Republic of Moldova. On February 13, President Maia Sandu gave a briefing, in which she spoke about the country's security situation, noting that Russia's plan for the next period includes actions involving diversionists, who would undertake attacks on state buildings and hostage taking , the final goal of these actions being the removal of the current pro-European power from Chisinau. The statements were made a few days after Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskiy declared that Ukraine would have intercepted Russia's plan to disrupt the political situation in the Republic of Moldova, a fact about which he informed Maia Sandu. The Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) of the Republic of Moldova "confirmed the receipt of the relevant information from the Ukrainian partners" and noted that they had identified several activities that would have the purpose of "undermining the state of the Republic of Moldova". Soon after, the US presidential administration showed itself "deeply concerned" by the risks of destabilization of the Republic of Moldova by Russia and is in solidarity with the Moldovan people. Yesterday, the Leader from Bucharest, Klaus Iohannis, being asked about the recent warnings regarding the security of the Republic of Moldova and the threats from Moscow, stated that "we have no information now that practical actions are imminent", but he assured that Romania will be with the Republic of Moldova in any scenario. The political dialogue between the Republic of Moldova and Romania continues today in Bucharest during the visit undertaken by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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