
Six foreigners were expelled from the Republic of Moldova within a week. They were originally from India and Pakistan

Last week, 6 foreigners were expelled from the Republic of Moldova - 3 originally from India and 3 from Pakistan. According to the General Inspectorate for Migration, during the same period, 9 foreigners were taken into public custody, including 2 from Guinea, 3 from Turkey and one each from Nigeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Palestine.

"Foreigners are accused of not leaving the territory of the Republic of Moldova at the expiration of the period of stay granted. They held a transit visa that is issued at the request of the foreigner who is going to transit the territory of the Republic of Moldova for the purpose of moving to a third country and which grants the right to be on the territory of the country for no more than 5 days for a transit", states the inspectorate. The source also notes that currently 17 foreigners are in the Center for Temporary Placement of Foreigners.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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