
Measures to boost the development of tourism, discussed at the Government

The measures to boost the development of tourism, seriously affected by the pandemic restrictions and Russia's war against Ukraine, were discussed during the meeting of Prime Minister Dorin Recean with the members of the Employers' Association of the Tourism Industry of the Republic of Moldova (APIT), led by Sergiu Manea.

For the relaunch of domestic tourism, the representatives of the association proposed the creation of a specialized central public administration body, the improvement of the national framework in the field, and the optimization of internal and external financial instruments. In this context, Dorin Recean mentioned that the Government will intervene with the necessary measures to remove legislative constraints. At the same time, the prime minister suggested capitalizing on the potential of the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA), which offers both programs and financial support instruments for entrepreneurs, including in the tourism field.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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