
Igor Grosu: "For me, women are associated with peace"

In the context of International Women's Day, which is marked today, the Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu, stated that women are associated with peace. According to the official, it is women who understand better how important it is to have peace and quiet in everyone's homes, and for all children to be educated in these conditions.

"You are important. When I say this, I think of my mother and my wife, who work in education. Please educate the children, together, to pass on to them our customs and traditions, which define us as a nation", declared Igor Grosu, in Buțeni, Hîncești district, where he participated in a celebration dedicated to International Women's Day. As part of it, local children and students performed on stage, presenting an artistic program dedicated to women.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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