
UPDATE: Chisinau International Airport, evacuated. Police: "Bomb alerts are an ongoing part of destabilization measures"

UPDATE 13:50: The Border Police (PF) announces that Chisinau International Airport is being evacuated at this time due to a bomb alert. According to the source, PF personnel were alerted to a suspected mine at the airport at around 12:50 today. All specialized services are currently on site. Meanwhile, airport staff and passengers are being evacuated from the building, and the passenger check-in procedure has been temporarily suspended.

So far, four bomb alerts have been registered in the capital, informs the General Police Inspectorate (IGP). According to the quoted source, the information came from the same person.

We remind you that the Movement for the People, which includes the "Sor" Party, led by fugitive Ilan Şor, and PACE, led by the former deputy head of the IGP, Gheorghe Cavcaliuc, have announced a protest action for Sunday, March 12, in the center of the capital. In the morning of today, the leader of PACE, Gheorghe Cavcaliuc, declared that his group will not participate in the protest in the center of the capital. A similar announcement was later made by the "Scutul Patriei" Association.

According to the organizers, the crowd will gather in front of the Parliament, where they will ask the authorities to fully pay the bills for the winter months and clearly say "No to the war in Moldova".

In this context, the law enforcement officers ask the organizers and participants to comply with the legal requirements and not admit actions that would endanger the life and health of people, as well as the security of the state.

The police ask, in particular, the public association with illegal badges and insignia, moving in front of the column of participants to be with their faces uncovered. Car transporters, who intend to bring people from different localities to the capital, are also warned to ensure their transport in compliance with the rules established in order to guarantee the safety of people. The law enforcement officers also state that they will not tolerate provocations or acts of aggression, including against its employees.

We mention that the head of the IGP, Viorel Cernăuțeanu, declared on Sunday in a briefing that the law enforcement officers thwarted the intentions of some groups, coordinated by the special services of the Russian Federation, to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova, including during the announced protest.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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