
Dinu Plîngău: " Șor" party reoffends in violating legislation

The "Dignity and Truth" Platform Party calls again for the outlawing of the "Șor" Party. Dinu Plîngău, president of the DA Platform, announced that he has prepared a petition in this regard, which he will send to the Ministry of Justice. According to Plîngău, the "Șor" Party is a repeat offender in terms of breaking the law and the competent bodies are not taking the necessary measures to put an end to the situation.

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Dinu Plîngău, chairman of the "Dignity and Truth" Platform, said that his party will also prepare 63 petitions, which it will address to the 63 deputies of the parliamentary majority of the Action and Solidarity Party. The DA Platform will ask to examine why the Justice Ministry does not apply the legislation on the activity of political parties.

"The Republic of Moldova is being buffeted by apocalyptic messages about the latest events that point to the preparation of destabilisation. Taking into account that all these actions, as well as the leaders or financial means used for the preparation of such scenarios have direct or indirect links with the political party "Șor", DA Platform reiterates the need for the Ministry of Justice to apply Article 21 of the Law on the Activity of Political Parties. Political Party "Șor" is repeating the violation of the law", Dinu Plîngău stressed.

We tried to get a reaction from the "Șor" Party, but the vice-president of the political party, Marina Tauber, and the spokesperson of the party did not answer the phone. In November 2022, the Government approved the draft decision, in which the Ministry of Justice proposed to verify the constitutionality of the "Șor" Party. Subsequently, the Venice Commission also issued an opinion on the constitutionality of outlawing the "Șor" political party. The Constitutional Court had previously announced that it had begun examining the application for verification of the constitutionality of the actions of the "Șor" political party.

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