
Cyber Security // A specialized agency will handle incidents and coordinate the response team

Starting with 2025, a government agency specialized in combating cyber attacks will operate in the Republic of Moldova, according to a draft law voted today in two readings. Also, a state registry of cyber incidents will be developed, in order to take rapid measures to prevent and to remedy threats of this kind, said the state secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, Viorel Garaz.

"Cyber attacks can have a destructive impact on both our critical infrastructure and the security and integrity of our personal and commercial data. This is precisely why it is essential to have a tool to protect our citizens and infrastructure. We aim to establish a competent national cyber security authority to ensure the management of cyber incidents and to coordinate the response team to these incidents. It will also be possible to dynamically track all cyber attacks or incidents that may take place", stated Viorel Garaz.

Viorel Garaz said that the relevant authority will also exercise control over operators in the private sector, so that cyber security is ensured in both public and private institutions.

Statewide cybersecurity responsibilities currently rest with the Information Technology and Cybersecurity Service. This institution is rather an operator of government electronic services.

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