
MEP Corina Crețu became a citizen of the Republic of Moldova

The Romanian MEP, Corina Crețu, received a positive opinion regarding the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova and she will be issued identity documents as a citizen of our country.

realitatea.md/Corina Crețu
Sursa: realitatea.md/Corina Crețu

In her announcement on Facebook page, the MEP says that the opinion came exactly on the day that the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova voted to return to Romanian as the official language of the state.

Corina Crețu also claims that she was and will remain convinced of the European destiny of the Republic of Moldova, and the fact that she became a citizen of our country is for her a sign of solidarity with all the inhabitants of the Republic of Moldova, in these dramatic moments that they are going through, but also a tribute to Ukrainian refugees, who are fleeing the war started by Russia in their country.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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