
President Maia Sandu's speech at the second edition of the Summit for Democracy

The Republic of Moldova needs support to fight disinformation and corruption, said President Maia Sandu during the "Summit for Democracy" organized by American President Joe Biden. The Head of State called on international partners to support the Republic of Moldova.

The Head of State stated that democracy in the Republic of Moldova is fragile, and our country is facing significant challenges, including a war on the border, but also with hybrid operations financed by the Kremlin and aimed at destabilizing our country. “We call on our democratic allies to join us in introducing a global sanctions regime to identify and to deter cases of grand corruption. We are proud to lead, in this Year of Change, the Cohort of the Summit on International Cooperation and Anti-Corruption, together with Transparency International and the Basel Institute of Governance, and to take from each other good practices to investigate corruption cases more effectively at high level and recovery of illegally acquired assets.

Just as importantly, we must work together more effectively to counter disinformation and propaganda. They threaten our democratic regimes. Today, in a joint regional effort by eight governments, our country's Prime Minister sent an open letter to major IT companies, calling for better solutions to prevent the spread of fake information that could destabilize our countries. Ladies and gentlemen, in time of war, Moldova is a litmus test for the United States, EU member states and other democratic nations. Our security and our confidence that democracy can and will deliver results must be shared by you. In other words, our stability is in your "interest". Thank you"*, said Maia Sandu in her speech.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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