
The Jewish community in the Republic of Moldova congratulated by President Maia Sandu on the occasion of the Passover holiday

President Maia Sandu today congratulated the Jewish community of the Republic of Moldova on the occasion of the Passover holiday and met with representatives of the Jewish community in our country. Alexander Bilinkis, President of the Jewish community and Aliona Grossu, Director of the Jewish community, were present at the talks with the Head of State.

On the occasion of the Jewish Passover, President Maia Sandu addressed a congratulatory message.

"Dear members of the Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova, Passover is one of the most important holidays for the Jewish people, symbolizing freedom, the great exodus from Egypt and liberation from slavery in Jewish tradition. The Passover is also the celebration of spring, a time of renewal and new beginnings," the head of state said, according to a presidential statement.

Maia Sandu also underlined that the Jewish people have travelled a long and arduous road in their history, going through hard trials.

"The challenges of our times urge us to set an example of humanity, solidarity and to learn from the lessons of the past. May this celebration bring peace and happiness! Happy Passover! A Freilichen Pesach! Chag Pesach Sameach!", said President Maia Sandu.

The head of state was also congratulated by members of the community on the occasion of Passover, who presented her with a gift of matzah, kosher wine and a Jewish cookbook.

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