
Maia Sandu: "Our duty is to avenge the deaths and torture of young people on April 7 through a true justice reform"

The Republic of Moldova deserves a justice that serves the people and our country will have such a justice. This was announced by the head of state, Maia Sandu, in the context of the 14th anniversary of the protests of April 7, 2009. In a post on Facebook, the president claims that the authorities will continue the reforms initiated to build a European state.

"14 years ago, people chose, blatantly, a different path - that of democracy, of respected rights, that of the European Union. We then took a path that we all thought would be faster, but in the years that followed there were other attempts to strangle democracy and our future. But the citizens of the Republic of Moldova have always known what kind of state they want to live in. They clearly saw who works for democracy and who works against it," said Maia Sandu.

The head of state noted that our people demonstrated through action and firm attitude that they do not accept the dictatorship.

"Our duty is to avenge the deaths and tortures of the young people of April 7 with a true reform of justice, so that the communist "troikas" who condemned citizens beaten directly in cells, without a lawyer, without the right to appeal, will never appear again. Corrupt people in the judiciary today use the pretext of the independence of the judiciary to hide their abuses. Moldova deserves a judiciary that serves the people and Moldova will have such a judiciary", said the president.

We remind you that today marks 14 years since the violent protests of April 7, 2009. The protests ended with the death of at least one person, hundreds of young people tortured, the vandalism of the Parliament and Presidency buildings, including the burning of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Moldova, yet, the protests of 7 April 2009 remain unknown to society today. Actually no one was held accountable for what happened and it is not known who was behind the violence.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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