New facilities for transporters: Cost of transport authorization will be reduced by 30%
The transport permit will cost 30% less. The government decided to reduce the prices of permits issued to road transport operators and to expand the categories of vehicles exempted from paying customs duties.
Trucks that can tow a semi-trailer up to 7 years old will be included in the list of units for which customs duties are not charged, and in the case of buses - these facilities will be applied to units up to 10 years old. The executive informs that currently half of the transport units in the park are over 20 years old and that this decision comes to boost the process of renewing the park. The selling price of a transport unit up to 10 years old on the European market is at least 30% lower than the selling price of a coach up to 7 years old, provided that both transport units meet the safety criteria. Following the negotiations conducted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development with the International Transport Forum, for 2023, the Republic of Moldova will benefit from a 30% higher quota of CEMT authorizations (authorizations of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport), which will allow partial compensation of the discounts applied. The Government's decision will indirectly contribute to the reduction of the prices of transported goods, given that the increase in fuel prices has triggered a massive increase in prices for consumers.