
Reactions in Chisinau after President Maia Sandu convened the European Moldova National Assembly

Several political parties have announced that they will participate in the European Moldova National Assembly, convened by Maia Sandu for 21 May. Some will come to support our country's European path, but others plan to come out in the Grand National Assembly Square (PMAN) to say they do not support the president.

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After yesterday's address by the country's president, Maia Sandu, in which she urged all citizens to come to the Grand National Assembly Square on 21 May to support the country's European integration, reactions were not slow to come. The country's former president, Igor Dodon, the new executive secretary of the Socialist Party, who is under criminal investigation in several cases, told a press conference that the statements made by the head of state were a political PR stunt.

"It has absolutely nothing to do with Moldova's national interest," said Igor Dodon, the former president of Moldova.

The "Șor" political party, whose leader is Ilan Șor, who is under criminal investigation and convicted in the "Bank Fraud" case, also said it would come to PMAN, only with a different position.

"In spite of everything, we have decided to participate in the National Assembly, except that we will have a different position, a tough one. We will insist on maintaining the neutrality of the country, on not taking Moldova to war. We will plead for our country to have good relations with everyone and for citizens to benefit from the state. I urge all political forces that have a different opinion from that of Maia Sandu to participate in the rally on 21 May," reads the reaction of the "Șor" Party.

The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) also reacted, announcing its presence at the event. The PLDM believes that it is vital that this national action be a sincere one, of all citizens, without using state institutions. In this sense, the organisation of the event should be for the consolidation of the pro-European forces and option, but not for the image of the government, says the party.

"The PLDM considers it vital that this national action be a sincere one, of all citizens, without the use of state institutions, not one for Maia Sandu and PAS. In this sense, the organization of the event must be for the consolidation of forces and pro-European option, but not one of image of the government," PLDM states in the issued communiqué.

The "People's Power" party, whose leader is the former interim mayor of the capital, Ruslan Codreanu, also supports the initiative launched by the head of state. On the social media page of the political party, they wrote that they resonate with the messages enunciated by President Maia Sandu.

"The People's Power team supports the consolidation initiative and on May 21 we will be in PMAN. We invite all people who believe that Power is in our hands and resonates with the development of our country to be there," the political party's post reads.

The Social Democratic Party will also come to the Grand Assembly Square on May 21. In a post, the party wrote that "we have only one road, to the West, through Bucharest to Brussels, that we have only one option, in the European family, with our Romanian brothers".

Alexandru Slusari will also support the President's initiative. He wrote that the country needs a European Moldova pact, signed by all pro-European political forces, business associations, other civil society organisations.

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