
SCM members urge magistrates threatened by Ilan Șor to report to law enforcement bodies

Members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) have adopted a statement condemning statements made by MP Ilan Șor, in which he described his 15-year prison sentence as "illegal" and threatened that judges will end up behind bars. At the same time, the magistrates urged the three judges concerned to inform the SCM and the Prosecutor General's Office of any actions by Ilan Șor or his representatives against them.

"The Council condemns any threats and pressures on the judiciary and its representatives and calls on the competent institutions to show increased vigilance to combat and prevent any threats and attempts to exert pressure on the judiciary", said SCM member Ion Guzun.

At the same time, the members ask judges to refer any pressure or threat to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Superior Council of Magistracy.

"The SCM encourages the three judges to inform the SCM and the Prosecutor's Office of any direct or indirect threats or pressure exerted by Ilan Shor and/or his representatives. The SCM will take all necessary measures to ensure the independence and security of the judges who are being intimidated and to exclude any form of intimidation that could affect the act of justice", Ion Guzun added.

Last week, after two days of judicial debates, the magistrates of the Court of Appeal handed down their decision on the Chairman of the "Șor" political party, Ilan Șor, in the "Bank Fraud" case. He was found guilty of fraud and money laundering and sentenced to 15 years in a closed prison, with deprivation of the right to hold office in the banking system for 5 years. The term of imprisonment will be calculated from the time of apprehension, including the period spent in custody. According to the decision, Ilan Șor will have to pay back to the state more than 5.2 billion lei.

Ilan Șor, for his part, pleads not guilty. The politician said that the magistrates' decision left him cold and threatened the judges who decided his sentence. Ilan Șor left the Republic of Moldova in 2019 and is now in Israel.

Șor's conviction has sparked a wave of reactions. Head of state Maia Sandu welcomed the decision of the Court of Appeal and said that justice can regain its legitimacy only through legal decisions that punish thieves and bring justice. Olesea Stamate, chairwoman of the Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities, also reacted to the case, saying it was a triumph of justice.

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