
Anatolie Topala: Young education specialists will receive higher allowances

The annual allowance period for young education specialists has been extended from three to five years. At the same time, the amount of the allowances granted to young specialists will be increased. The announcement was made by Education and Research Minister Anatolie Topala at a press conference on Friday.

Thus, young specialists in the field of education, graduates of higher education institutions will receive an allowance of 200 thousand lei for the first five years of activity. Previously, the allowance was 120 thousand lei, to be paid in three instalments of 40 thousand lei each.

For graduates of technical-post-secondary vocational education institutions the allowance will be increased from 96 thousand lei to 160 thousand lei.

"The period during which young specialists from general-public educational institutions receive support for professional insertion, including a 75% reduction of the teaching norm for a function salary, as well as a hearing from the mentor teacher, is also extended from three to five years," Anatolie Topala said.

Also, young education specialists working in rural areas, in district centres or in ATU Gagauzia will receive compensation for the rent of accommodation space, heat and electricity consumption from the state budget for a period of five years.

"These measures aim to motivate young people for a teaching career and to contribute to increasing the quality of human resources in education," the Minister of Education and Research added.

The shortage of teachers is one of the biggest problems facing the education system in Moldova. According to statistics, at the beginning of the school year 2022-2023, managers of educational institutions in the country were looking for more than 2,000 specialists.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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