
MPs from the Republic of Moldova and Romania signed a joint resolution in support of economic agents on both sides of the Prut

The Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure of the Senate of Romania adopted in Chisinau a joint resolution committing to intensify their cooperation to modernise legislation and support economic agents in our countries.

Sursa: multimedia.parlament.md

The document welcomes the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in implementing the measures proposed by the European Union and expresses its determination to develop legislation in line with European recommendations.

The importance of cooperation in the field of transport and infrastructure for the implementation of joint projects is underlined, in particular, the earliest possible completion of the construction of the road bridges over the Prut River Leuseni-Albița, Cahul-Oancea, Sculeni (MD) - Sculeni (RO), as well as the analysis of the opportunity to develop the feasibility study for the Răducăneni-Bărboieni road bridge.

In particular, the importance of reducing waiting times for economic agents from both sides of the Prut at the common border is highlighted.

The members of the two committees have undertaken to hold regular meetings during each parliamentary session.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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