
The "United for Moldova" network was created. Who are the initiators and what is the purpose of the platform

Three Members of the Parliaments of the Member States of the European Union and three Members of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova have created the network "United for Moldova". The aim of this platform is to support our country and its European aspirations. The network will be managed by a Steering Committee of three MEPs.

Sursa: multimedia.parlament.md

They are Andrius Kubilius (EPP), Siegfried Mureșan (EPP), Petras Austreviciuc (ALDE), Johannes Schraps (SPD - Germany), Valentina Martinez Ferro (PP - Spain), Gustaf Gothberg (Moderata - Sweden), Mihail Popșoi (PAS), Doina Gherman (PAS) and Ina Coșeru (PAS).

"The last presidential and parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova demonstrated the strong desire of society to align with the West, which was duly recognised by the European Commission when it granted Moldova the status of candidate country to the European Union in June 2022. Now is a crucial time for Europe to demonstrate reciprocity towards Moldovan society and a firm stance against Russia's aggressive actions. If we act quickly, political support for Moldova's European path could be enough to protect it from Russia's attempts to take more control in the region," reads the statement setting up the Support Network for Moldova.

"United for Moldova" has the mission to facilitate coordination and support on the following priority issues for our country, such as: the EU integration process - the start of negotiations, Moldova's gradual integration into the EU single market; countering Russian disinformation and other hybrid threats; strengthening Moldova's regional security and energy security; fighting corruption and strengthening the rule of law; financial support and assistance; reassessing and revitalising efforts to find a political solution on the Transnistrian region with the help of the European Union and the West.

The "United for Moldova" network will meet physically as well as online and will include politicians, experts, opinion leaders from all over Europe. The first online meeting will take place on 23 May 2023.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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