
The Constitutional Court postponed for Thursday the examination of the Government's referral regarding the outlawing of the "Sor" Political Party

Thus, the High Court admitted the approach of the representatives of the "Sor" Political Party regarding the postponement of the meeting in connection with the need to take cognizance of the additional materials presented by the Government representative. The continuation of the meeting will take place on May 11, at 10:00.

The magistrates of the Constitutional Court (CC) today began the examination of the Government's referral regarding the verification of the constitutionality of the "Sor" Political Party. The High Court announced that the Executive's approach will be examined between May 10 and 17, 2023. The notification states that "the actions of the "Sor" Party do not fall under the guarantees related to the right to free association and to freedom of opinion and expression, and are to be considered as actions contrary to the constitutional identity of the Republic of Moldova, its national interests and, intrinsically, the sovereignty and independence of the state".

CC magistrates admitted only one motion submitted by the representatives of the "Sor" Party, namely the one regarding the postponement of the meeting in connection with the need to take cognizance of the additional materials presented by the representative of the Executive, Eduard Digore, although several motions were submitted.

"The CC decided: the approach of the representatives of the "Sor" Party regarding the postponement of the meeting, in order to ensure the participation of Mrs. Marina Tauber, is rejected. The settlement of the proceedings of the representatives of the "Sor" Political Party regarding the invitation and hearing in the process of the witnesses and other persons relevant to the case, after the hearing of the parties in the public session of the Court, is postponed. The resolution of the approach of the representatives of the "Sor" Political Party regarding the appointment of an independent judicial expert is postponed."

The lawyers of the "Sor" Party have submitted new steps, including a request to bring witnesses to the trial and the appointment of an "international independent judicial expertise in the psychological, sociological, electoral and political fields". Thus, the representatives of the "Sor" Party request the hearing of the country's leadership - the president Maia Sandu, the president of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, and the prime minister Dorin Recean, the ex-prime minister Natalia Gavrilița, the minister of internal affairs, Ana Revenco, the PAS deputies, Mihai Popșoi, Olesea Stamate, Lilian Carp, Radu Marian, Oazu Nantoi, Igor Chiriac.

"The authors of this approach request that all persons who somehow issued an opinion on this notification be invited before the Court. As lawyers, we understand well what the quality of witnesses means. The witness is the one who saw with his own eyes something he witnessed and can eventually explain in a trial (...). We consider it necessary to be rejected, including on the grounds that it was not indicated what the witnesses could give on the side of the referral (...)", stated the defender of the Government, Eduard Digore.

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