
LIVE // The Constitutional Court continues the examination of the Government\'s approach regarding the outlawing of the "Sor" Party// The magistrates announced a break until 2:00 p.m.

The Constitutional Court continues today the examination of the Government's approach regarding the constitutionality of the "Sor" Party. The magistrates are already meeting in their fifth session.

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On Monday, May 15, the lawyers of the "Sor" Party requested to view several video materials, insisting that they be attached to the file. The action was partially accepted by the magistrates. Meanwhile, a group of sympathizers of the formation protested in front of the Constitutional Court, and the police warned that they had identified prohibited items owned by some participants.

We remind you that last November the Government demanded the outlawing of the "Sor" Party, which it accuses of acting in contradiction to the principles of the rule of law and endangering the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova, being financed and supported from outside by the Russian secret services.

The leader of the formation, the fugitive recently sentenced to 15 years in the bank fraud case, Ilan Şor, qualifies the Government's approach as political.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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