
LIVE // The Constitutional Court continues to examine the Government's application to outlaw the "Șor" party

The Constitutional Court will continue its examination of the Government's application regarding the constitutionality of the "Șor" Party on Wednesday, starting at 10:00 a.m., announced the President of the Court, Nicolae Rosca.

At Tuesday's sitting, magistrates rejected the request to hear Ilan Șor, who intended to intervene live with a video call to discuss with the High Court magistrates.

The Constitutional Court judges also rejected requests from "Șor" representatives to hear public figures, as well as psychological and sociological expertise requested by Șor's lawyer.

The magistrates accepted the annexation of video material and press releases published on the websites of the "Șor" party. On Monday 15 May, lawyers for the "Șor" Party requested to see more video material and insisted that it be attached to the case file. The request was partially granted by the magistrates. Meanwhile, a group of party supporters protested outside the Constitutional Court and police warned that they had identified prohibited items in the possession of some participants.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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