
In the Republic of Moldova, the 1st and 2nd of June will be declared free days

1 June and 2 June will be declared days of rest. These will be made up later by employees by extending their daily working hours.

"The provisions apply to employees of public authorities and institutions. For enterprises in the real sector of the national economy, the decision approved by the Government has the character of a recommendation. In this case, the decision to grant employees rest days on 1 and 2 June will be taken by their managers," a government statement said.

At the same time, the source informs, the national baccalaureate exam on June 2, 2023, will be held according to the schedule set by the Ministry of Education and Research, with the employees being called to work in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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