
A new social service for adults with autism spectrum disorders has been opened in Chisinau

Adults with autism spectrum disorders will now be able to benefit from the services of a Day Center inaugurated in Chisinau. Here, they will be able to develop their life skills, participate in vocational workshops, and rehabilitation sessions. The "ADIR" Center was created by the local public administration and is funded with European funds.

Irina Vasilevskaia is the mother of a 19-year-old young man who was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. She says that all the inclusion activities for her son came to an end once he reached adulthood.

"We have been waiting for the opening of this centre for a long time. Our children, even though they are 18 years old, are not integrated into social life. My son is good with computers, but unfortunately, I can't help him. These individuals have potential that needs to be developed. Any help provided by specialists is very important to us."

The centre has been properly equipped and can offer services to 20 beneficiaries. They will participate in vocational workshops and engage in occupational therapy activities. Massage and physiotherapy sessions are planned for those with an individual recovery program.

Viorica Vornicescu, the project director and representative of the "SOS Autism" Association, says that this centre is unique in the Republic of Moldova and in the city of Chisinau.

"We have, of course, many beneficiaries. There are many requests. This is a physiotherapy room where the necessary equipment for people with disabilities and autism has been procured. Rehabilitation, recovery, and, of course, socialisation activities will take place here."

The specialists at the centre have undergone professional training and aim to strengthen their services.

"The specialists at the Center have undergone training. We have trainers who are experienced individuals in the field. We have psycho-pedagogical specialists, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists," says Mariana Ungureanu, a specialist at the "ADIR" Center.

The Chisinau City Hall has provided the space and will allocate over three million lei to ensure the sustainability of the Center.

"We are very grateful to the partners who came up with this initiative, who supported us in the development of this service. We will ensure the sustainability and maintenance of these spaces," said Angela Cutasevici, Deputy Mayor of Chisinau.

The "ADIR" Center was created by the "SOS Autism" Public Association in partnership with the Chisinau City Hall. Financial support was provided by the European Union and the Soros Moldova Foundation. The project budget is over 57,000 euros.

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