
Farmers announce that they will protest tomorrow in several districts of the republic

Farmers announce that they will protest tomorrow. It comes after talks between representatives of the "Farmers' Force" Association and Prime Minister Dorin Recean, which took place today, did not result in the outcome desired by farmers. Therefore, in order to achieve their goal, they will organise protests in several districts of the country.

Initially, the demonstrations will take place in the territory, and if they are not heard, the farmers say they will come with tractors to the capital.

Farmers are complaining about drought, rising fuel prices and a nearly threefold increase in interest rates on loans, which has brought the farming sector to the brink of bankruptcy.

In a statement issued after the meeting, the government said that more than 530 million lei had been allocated to support farmers affected by regional crises, of which more than 430 million lei would be distributed for VAT refunds and another 100 million lei to subsidise losses caused by rising diesel and fertiliser prices.

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