
Patients suffering from Parkinson's disease will be able to be treated surgically in Chisinau

Patients suffering from Parkinson's disease will be able to be treated surgically in Chisinau using a new method. The topic was also discussed at the International Symposium on "News in Modern Neurosurgery", which took place in the Republic of Moldova and was attended by renowned neurosurgeons from 10 countries.

Specialists from Turkey are going to train our doctors and from July the first surgeries will be performed at the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (INN) "Diomid Gherman". .

"We intervene on the brain in very severe Parkison's patients to stop certain manifestations of the disease such as permanent hand tremor. Today, they are mostly treated in the Republic only with drugs or older methods of treatment," says Atilla Yilmaz, professor, neurosurgeon from Turkey.

"We have visited these centres many times and they have been to us as guests. We are on the verge of implementing these new operations in our country as well, they will be in the near future", says Grigore Zapulîh, the director of INN.

At the event, specialists from abroad shared their experiences. For example Oliver Klein, a paediatric neurosurgeon in Paris, operates on babies with congenital malformations.

"Spina Bifida is a motor hadicap in which the bones of the spine do not develop properly. We operate on the fetus while it is in the mother's womb, with rescheduling of a caesarean section. I'm ready to implement such operations in the Republic of Moldova as well, only we need trained specialists."

Specialists from across the Prut are also ready to share their experience. For example, Lucian Eva, a neurosurgeon at a hospital in Iasi, performs operations on patients with tumours and stroke using an innovative method.

"We have taken an important step in modern, up-to-date medicine. Basically, we no longer operate to draw blood, we treat lesions with gamma radiation, without pain and without the patient having to stay in hospital."

"Stroke is no longer a pathology of the elderly, I work at the emergency unit of the "Nicolae Oblu" hospital and we have patients of 30 and 35, 40 years old with pathologies of this age that could be fully recovered if we had what and who to intervene", says Tudor Ciuhodaru, Health Committee, European Parliament.

More than 20 neurosurgeons from several countries such as USA, Japan, Switzerland, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania attended the event in Chisinau.

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