
Maia Sandu handed out awards and diplomas to those who contributed to the organization and conduct of the EPC Summit

President Maia Sandu today handed out awards and diplomas to those who contributed to the organization and smooth running of the Summit of the European Political Community (EPC).

According to the Presidency, the head of state appreciated the efforts of the organizing team, made up of representatives of public institutions, local authorities, the private sector, civil society and the media, which managed to realize the event at the highest standard.

"The Republic of Moldova prooved that it has logistical and institutional capabilities and deserves its place among the European family," reads the press release of the presidential institution.

We remind you that the Summit of the European Political Community took place on June 1 in Bulboaca and brought together 49 heads of state, prime ministers and senior European officials.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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