
Domnica Manole: Political Party "Șor" militates against the principles of the rule of law, sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova

The "Șor" political party militates against the principles of the rule of law, sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova. For these reasons, the Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional the Political Party "Șor", said today in a briefing the Constitutional Court (CC) judge, Domnica Manole.

The judge specified that for the first time the CC checked whether the activity of a party was in line with the law, and the decision was guided by the Constitution.

"The CC was referred to by the Government in November 2022. The reasons can be divided into three categories: criminal acts targeting the leader and deputies of the party; repeated violations related to non-transparent financing of the party; possible overthrow and destabilisation. Thus, the CC has established that the principle of transparent financing has been violated in several elections in which the party's candidates have participated. After Ilan Șor left the territory of the country, the party started to receive financial means in a non-transparent way. At the same time, there are people close to him who ensure the introduction and distribution of money. Similarly, remuneration was established for people to participate in protest actions. The receipt and transmission of money took place in the party's territorial offices. The sanctions imposed by the electoral body did not prevent the party from continuing its illegal financing activities. Thus, the CC established that the party's activity does not correspond to democratic principles", said Domnica Manole.

The judges of the Constitutional Court today declared unconstitutional the political party "Șor". The High Court granted the Government's request to ban the activity of the party led by Ilan Șor. The decision was announced by Constitutional Court President Nicolae Rosca after more than three hours of deliberations.

According to the ruling, "Șor" deputies in Parliament will serve until the end of their mandate as independent deputies.

In November 2022, the executive called for a review of the constitutionality of the "Shor" party, which it accuses of acting in contradiction with the principles of the rule of law and endangering the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova, being externally funded and supported by Russian secret services.

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