
Ilan Șor's lawyers, fined for the intentional delay of the file examined at the Court of Appeal

Ilan Şor's lawyers were fined for intentionally delaying the file examined at the Court of Appeal. They asked to postpone a meeting, but the prosecutors requested to be checked. The court fined the lawyers 1,500 lei and appointed another ex officio lawyer.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office claims that Ilan Şor is trying to delay the examination of the appeal. The next meetings will be in the second half of January. Communications officials from the "Shor" Party did not comment or answer the phone. Ilan Şor was convicted in the first instance in the bank fraud case. He was included in the British and American sanctions lists. According to the US government, the "Shor" Party is the tool of the Putin regime. About the recent sanctions, Ilan Shor says from Israel that he was having fun, even though the USA and the United Kingdom are global financial centers. The spokesperson of the formation, Alina Șargu, did not answer the phone to offer a reaction.

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