
No fireworks on New Year's Eve! The police warn: The sale and use of pyrotechnics is prohibited during the state of emergency

Law enforcement officers warn the citizens of the Republic of Moldova not to sell or use fireworks or firecrackers during the state of emergency, which will coincide with the winter holidays. According to a press release issued by the Police of the Republic of Moldova, the sale and use of pyrotechnics during this period is prohibited by law.

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The police warn economic agents specialized in the sale of pyrotechnics and people who want to buy pyrotechnics, that, according to the provision of the Commission for Emergency Situations, it is established that, during the state of emergency, the sale and use of pyrotechnics, entertainment pyrotechnic articles655, firecracker batteries, light firecracker batteries, firecrackers and light firecrackers is banned. Exceptions to this ban are the sale and use of articles with a diameter not exceeding 30 mm, pyrotechnic articles of entertainment which present a very low risk and a negligible noise level and which are intended for use in confined spaces, including pyrotechnic articles of entertainment intended for use in the interior of the living rooms. Also, the exception is pyrotechnic articles of entertainment that present a low risk and a low noise level and are intended for outdoor use in confined spaces. According to law enforcement, stage pyrotechnics must also be low risk and intended for use only by licensed pyrotechnicians. The police recommend and warn both economic agents specialized in the sale of pyrotechnic articles and individuals, that non-compliance with the conditions established by the provisions of the Commission for Emergency Situations entails the application of the sanctions provided for by law. We remind you that last time, the state of emergency on the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova was extended, by 60 days, on December 6, current year.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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