
The Republic of Moldova denounced three agreements with the CIS

The Government of the Republic of Moldova approved on Wednesday the draft laws on the denunciation of three agreements signed within the Commonwealth of Independent States. There are two agreements in the military field and one - in the field of metrology and standardization.

According to the authorities, the decision was taken because the promotion of common actions and visions in these fields are no longer current, in the context in which our country joins the policies of the European Union.

"Today, 2 CIS agreements on the armed forces and one agreement on policy promotion in the field of standardization, metrology and certification were denounced. We followed on the subject of their denunciation and premeditated spread of false information, especially being presented biasedly. All denunciations of agreements within the CIS take into account the citizen of the Republic of Moldova. In many cases, the Republic of Moldova also has bilateral agreements with the states that are part of what denotes the lack of need to have an agreement on the CIS line as well", said the spokesperson of the Government, Daniel Vodă.

We remind you that the Republic of Moldova joined the Commonwealth of Independent States in 1994 and has concluded about 400 agreements with CIS member states.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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