
Vladimir Bolea: The Republic of Moldova will open an embassy in New Delhi

Fruits from the Republic of Moldova, but also vegetable oils are the products that could end up in India. The market in this country is promising, said the Minister of Agriculture and Industry, Vladimir Bolea, in a press conference. Also, the official announced that the Republic of Moldova will open an embassy in New Delhi by the end of this year to develop economic relations between the two countries.

Vladimir Bolea also said that last year India became the fifth economy in the world, which represents a market with potential for our country.

"This year, an embassy will also be opened in India, October at the earliest, November 2023 at the latest. This will greatly and greatly develop our export potential, it will help business people, who will want to business there. Today we don't have an embassy in India, and I think this was an oversight over the years by the Government, that did not see an opportunity to develop trade in terms of the relationship with India," said Vladimir Bolea.

Vladimir Bolea said that the opening of a representative office in India will diversify Moldovan exports and provide new development opportunities for Moldovan producers of agricultural products.

According to the minister, the Indian side is interested in the export of rice, and the Republic of Moldova could increase the imported quantity. Also, India is a big producer of fertilizers, which our country needs.

Also, due to the fact that the Republic of Moldova is a candidate country for joining the EU and has the necessary certificates to export to the European market, traders from India are interested in importing more Moldovan products, such as vegetable oils, fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts, wines , poultry and eggs.

Vladimir Bolea said that the Republic of Moldova could carry out exports through the port of Giurgiulesti or the port of Constanța.

We remind you that this week the Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea, the Secretary of State Andrian Digolean and the general director of ANSA, Radu Musteață, together with the representatives of the Moldova Fruit Association, had a working visit to New Delhi, India. The Moldovan delegation had several meetings with top Indian officials from the Ministries of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Trade and Industry, and Foreign Affairs, where they discussed facilitating the export of agricultural products from our country.

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