
The Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds, adopted by Parliament

The amount of the compulsory health insurance premium as a percentage of salary and other rewards has not changed and will constitute 9%. The law on the mandatory medical assistance insurance funds was adopted by the Parliament.

Sursa: Bizlaw

Citizens who need to insure themselves will be able to buy the mandatory medical policy for 12,600 lei, an amount that emerges from the average nominal salary per country forecast for 2023 in the amount of 11,700 lei.

At the same time, the facilities and discounts for those who will purchase the mandatory medical insurance premium on their own remain in force. Thus, between January 1 and March 31, it can be purchased at a price of 4,056 lei. According to the data of the National Medical Insurance Company, over 90% of those who purchase their own insurance premium do so by April 1st, so with a price reduction.

The major part of the AOAM funds, around 13.9 billion lei, is to be accumulated in the fund for the payment of medical and pharmaceutical services. This figure is over 1.8 billion lei or 15.1% higher compared to the one approved for 2022.

Also, the AOAM Funds Law for 2023 provides for the coverage of expenses for the increase, starting from October 1, 2022, of the salaries of the staff of public medical-sanitary institutions included in the system of mandatory health care insurance, the indexation of the expenses of medical-sanitary institutions for drugs and maintenance expenses to the forecasted consumer price index for the year 2023.

In the year 2023, both revenues and expenses are estimated at 14 ,1 billion lei. Compared to the approved amount for 2022, revenues and expenses are forecast to increase by 15.1%.

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