
Power outage at Moldovan border crossing causes congestion

A power outage lasting more than three hours occurred at the Leușeni-Albița border crossing yesterday, according to the Moldovan Customs Service. The cause of the outage was a breakdown in electrical equipment that supplied the crossing with electricity.

Sursa: Telegram/Serviciul Vamal
Sursa: Sursa: Telegram/Serviciul Vamal

The incident caused the suspension of the inspection procedure, which in turn generated a significant increase in the flow of travellers and vehicles entering and leaving Moldova.

To manage the flow of travellers, the manual procedure was put in place, the number of customs officers was increased, and mobile teams of the Customs Service were also involved to maintain public order and manage traffic.

The problem was detected and fixed around midnight. It was determined that a short circuit had occurred in the underground cables, laid in the 1990s, that supply some auxiliary rooms of the customs post, which prevented the generators from starting.

The cables were disconnected from the common system, and electricity was fully restored. In addition, according to the Customs Service, work will be carried out to replace the old cables.

It is worth noting that the Leușeni customs post is equipped with two generators and one spare. With the start of the state of emergency, all customs posts were equipped with such generators.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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