
Bookfest: Sandu reads "The Little Prince" to children

Maia Sandu, the President of the Republic of Moldova, visited the Bookfest International Book Fair yesterday and read a passage from "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry to the children who were there.

"Some of the children were true reading champions, winners of the reading marathon organised by the Ion Creangă National Library for Children. Others are just learning to read, but they are eager to listen to stories. Many told me that they can't wait for the first day of school, to see their friends again, and to learn new things. I wish them a very exciting school year," the head of state wrote on a social media platform.

Sandu noted that this year's edition is "impressive," with approximately 30,000 books, 30 major publishing houses from Moldova and Romania, a host of book launches and discussions between talented writers from both sides of the Prut River, and many books for children and young adults.

"I encourage you all to come to Bookfest, to discover your favourite authors, fascinating books, and publishing houses that promote the Romanian language with boundless love and dedication," the president emphasised.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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