
Moldova to re-register households to determine energy vulnerability

The Moldovan government is re-registering all households to determine their energy vulnerability. The new registration process will be based on two factors: household income over the past six months and historical energy consumption during the previous winter.

"We have two government decisions for new compensations," said Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu. "The first, which we have now launched for consultations, regulates how they will be paid, how households will register, how we will assess the income level and the level of energy vulnerability. In a short time, the second government decision will follow, which will very clearly state the level of compensation depending on the degree of energy vulnerability. We want to help households that will indeed have difficulties during the cold period of the year."

Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov said that the adjustment of natural gas tariffs could be made after the purchase of the entire volume needed for the winter period.

"We are still continuing to purchase gas and we do not yet have the entire winter period covered, so for now it is premature, but even in the previous days some volumes have been purchased," Parlicov said. "Energocom will announce what volumes were purchased at what price, after we complete this process, we will already communicate exactly."

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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