
Viruses are wreaking havoc across the country. Doctors sound the alarm - complications appear "very quickly" after the onset of the disease

Viruses are wreaking havoc throughout the country. More than a third of the total number of people who call Service 112 are people with acute respiratory infections. However, young children are most affected, and complications appear very quickly after the onset of the disease. In this context, specialists urge people to go to the family doctor right from the first symptoms of the disease. To protect themselves from viruses, Moldovans say they try different natural remedies.

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Diana Curbet says that her son Luca-Dominic, only two years and six months old, fell ill ten days ago. The child's mother claims that everything started suddenly, with a fever of over 39 degrees. The child was treated at home for an acute viral infection, according to the doctor's strict instructions. Even so, the disease caused complications, and now he has to undergo treatment against bronchitis.

"From what I see and what I say it's more lasting and aggressive, that doesn't give in easily, a fever that doesn't give in easily. We already don't understand, maybe it was a re-infection, maybe it was due to weakened immunity, after the antibiotic", says Diana Curbet, a resident of Chisinau.

To deal with viruses, people protect themselves as best they can.

"Herbal teas, as many as possible. We make it in a thermos, we take something else from the pharmacy, as many vitamins and natural, fresh, vitamin C as possible. We also protect ourselves with a mask in transport, we also disinfect our hands".

"I've been vaccinated four times and that's why I don't need to protect myself against the flu. I try to eat normally and stay free. I was not sick".

"We consume vitamins, many fruits, vegetables and during this period we try to stay at home more. I took a short vacation from kindergarten, because the number of cases of flu and viruses increased. We were sick, but not with the flu," people say.

In order to reduce the risk of illness, the authorities urge people first of all to observe the infection prevention measures, which are the same as during the pandemic period.

"We should wear masks when we are in a medical institution, we should wear a mask if we have someone sick at home, we should avoid crowds, the child who already has symptoms of a respiratory infection should not attend kindergarten, we should contact family doctors immediately. 35% of all calls to the pre-hospital emergency medical service are caused by viral infections, influenza and other respiratory infections. This really puts pressure, it is an increase in the number of requests", said the Minister of Health, Ala Nemerenco.

The data of the National Surveillance Center show that, since the beginning of October, 530 cases of seasonal flu have been registered in the country, over 114 thousand cases of acute respiratory infections, of which almost five thousand - with severe infections.

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