
Igor Grosu about the farmers' protest: They have the right to protest, but they must show understanding

Farmers have the right to protest, but they should show understanding and respect for the efforts of the authorities, who have allocated approximately 2 billion lei this year to subsidize farmers. The statement was made by the Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu on the Vocea Bessarabiei radio station. The official added that, if possible, the state will identify additional sources, but for now, farmers must make use of the money that is available.

"The authorities, with whom I hope these farmers want to talk further, this year allocated 1 billion 900 million lei. I believe that this should be appreciated not by the authorities, but by all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. It is their right to protest, but to understand that the authorities must take care of all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova: teachers, doctors, pensioners, and policemen, including farmers, as we took care of during the almost 2 billions of lei", said Igor Grosu.

We remind you that the Association "Forța Fermierilor" and the National Federation of Farmers have announced that on November 22 the farmers will set off with agricultural machinery towards Chisinau. The Association "Forța Fermierilor" claims that many agricultural producers are on the verge of bankruptcy and that all attempts to solve the problem of saving micro, small and medium farmers through dialogue have failed.

On November 7, the two farmers' associations met with Prime Minister Dorin Recean to ask for higher subsidies in agriculture, but also to ban the transit of grain from Ukraine through the Republic of Moldova. After the meeting, the farmers announced that the "brief meeting" with the Prime Minister did not lead to "any concrete results" and they will organize massive protests from November 21. On the other hand, the Government presented the measures that will be applied to facilitate the transit of Ukrainian grains. Dorin Recean allegedly promised farmers that the state budget allocations for farmers would be increased in 2024.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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